Understanding Gold Jewelry: Gold Plated, Gold Fill, and Pure Gold Explained
Have you ever found yourself disappointed by a piece of jewelry that used to be gold but has now faded to a dull metal that looks nothing like the piece you started with? It’s not that the piece didn’t start off gold, but over time the gold quite literally rubbed off.
When it comes to gold jewelry, while the “fine print” is right in front of you when you read the product description, the terms may be confusing. In this guide, we’ll delve into the differences between gold-plated, gold fill, and pure gold jewelry, highlighting why gold fill stands out as a cost-effective and durable option.
Pure Gold Jewelry
Let’s start with the most obvious – pure gold. Often referred to as solid gold or 24-karat gold, pure gold is made entirely of gold without any other metals mixed in. Because it is very soft and malleable, it is less practical for everyday wear as it can easily bend or scratch. When you see different karat values (18k gold is 75% pure gold, 14k gold is 58.5% pure gold) the gold has been alloyed with other metals such as silver, copper, or zinc to enhance its durability.
Gold Fill Jewelry
Offering a compelling balance of affordability and quality is gold fill (also referred to as gold-filled) jewelry. In gold fill jewelry, a thick layer of gold is mechanically bonded onto a bass metal, such as brass or copper – typically 5% to 10% of the total weight of the item. This thickness makes gold fill jewelry more resistant to wear and fading, allowing it to maintain its appearance for a longer period.
Gold Plated Jewelry
While the price may be right on gold plated jewelry, it’s for a reason. Gold-plated jewelry is created by applying a thin layer of gold onto a base metal, such as brass or copper, through a process called electroplating. And when we say thin, we mean it. Over time, the gold can wear off, especially on jewelry that undergoes regular wear and usage, such as necklaces. As the gold wears off, you’re left with the base metal and your originally beautiful piece of jewelry just doesn’t have the same look anymore.
We’ve all heard the saying “penny wise, pound foolish.” This is especially true when buying quality jewelry. Opting for cheap pieces that don’t last will leave you with a collection you won’t wear and may end up discarding. Investing more upfront ensures you own a piece that remains stunning for years.
While we have a few gold plated pieces, Stay at Home Wifestyle utilizes mainly gold fill (and sterling silver). From athleisure to evening wear, our jewelry is a fit for any occasion! Shop our amazing collection of earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, featuring gemstones and pearls, to add a pop of color to your stay-at-home style!